This Too Will End…. Or Will It?
The shutdown has taken a firm hold on our nation. Australians everywhere are hurting because of it. There are expectations that it will be taken to the next level. Who can tell what pain that will cause? However, in the midst of our pain, we understand only too well the need for us to be […]
“Zooming” into Pastoral Care in the age of COVID-19
One of our highest priorities is the pastoral care of each other. In the light of the latest restrictions announced by the PM it is unwise for us to continue “normal” pastoral care. So, we looked for a way that we as pastors could continue to connect with, continue to support, and continue to pray […]
Who Is My Neighbour (In This Time of COVID-19)?
These are extraordinary times. We are being asked to do extraordinary things. Public meetings of more than 100 have been banned. Now we discover that from today, the 20th of March, every public meeting inside a building has to allow 4 sqm of seating space and occupational space per person. In our church we don’t […]
Is Closing The Sunday Service A Sign Of A Lack Of Faith?
Today City International Christian Church, our church, took a decision to close Sunday services for the foreseeable future. We had been planning for this eventuality for a number of weeks, and today the Prime Minister announced the decision to ban all public gatherings of 100 or more. We have complied. Not to do so would […]
Is the Coronavirus a sign that Jesus is coming soon?
Some would think so. They point at the number of shocks that have hit our world of late. The locust plague that is in East Africa is the worst one to hit that area for 25 years. Now it is spreading to parts of the Middle East as well. Add to that the rise in […]